Mindfulness Meditation

Orientation Session

Wed. Jan. 8 - 5:45 to 7:15 PM

This free introductory session is meant for people who are seriously considering taking our 7 week course. It will provide detailed information about the program and a brief meditation as well as an opportunity to ask questions before deciding whether or not to commit further.

MBSR 7 Week Program

Every Wednesday Evening from January 15 through March 5th, 5:45 to 7:45 PM except for Wednesday, February 19th. Also included is a silent retreat on Saturday, March 1st, from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM.

Tuition: $300

Pre-registration required. Registration here

To facilitate the development of meditation as a personal skill, this very comprehensive course will provide experiential seated meditations, gentle yoga practices and didactic material on such topics as meditation, mindfulness, yoga, the science of stress, and current research. The yoga portion will be adapted to respect the ability and limitations of each participant so that it can effectively prepare the body and mind for the stillness that is essential for meditation.

Past participants have shared that this course helped them to establish a personal daily meditation practice which had lasting positive influences on their personal and professional lives.

The instructor David Jacobs received his MBSR teacher training at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Center of Mindfulness, where the MBSR program was developed.  David taught the MBSR program to Syracuse University students through the University’s Counseling Center from 2008 to 2015. He also offered the course to the S.U. faculty and staff through the University Wellness Initiative, and to the community at large in programs at Upstate Yoga Institute and in workshops for various businesses and service agencies.

In addition to his MBSR training, David has been a yoga teacher in the Krishnamacharya and Desikachar lineage at for over 24 years.